grey mouse carrying food

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Moen’s Mouse Mix is our favorite go-to product for how to get rid of mice and bugs and protect our RV all winter!

I’m a member of several RV online communities. And every spring, I watch a common nightmare unfold with a whole string of scary posts and photos.

As people break open their RVs and campers in hopes of quickly prepping it and getting on the road for that first Spring Break outing, they discover someone’s been living there rent-free over the winter. They’ve left behind evidence in the form of pellets, destroyed fabrics and wires. 

I would be horrified! It might even mark the end of RV ownership for us. So, knowing how to get rid of mice is something I try to be very proactive about! 


In our first year of owning a pop-up, I read that peppermint was the best essential oil to use to get rid of mice and bugs. So we used essential oils on cotton balls and dryer sheets. We didn’t have any mice damage, but we did find some spiders had nested in our curtains – yuck! So we had to treat the pop-up prior to camping.

Tim and I attended a Home Show event with our friends in 2017 and we were introduced to Moen’s Mouse Mix.

This product is crumbs of natural materials baked with a variety of essential oils well known to deter mice, critters, and insects. The owner explained to me that essential oils on cotton balls and dryer sheets would evaporate within days. However, Mouse Mix helps keep the power of essential oils lingering in the space for several months. 

I wasn’t sold on it at first, but my friend, Jenn, was quick to buy a couple packages. She has experienced the frustration of having to get rid of mice due to damage in an RV. The following spring, she opened the RV and raved about her results with the Mouse Mix. There was no indication whatsoever of any mouse or insect activity over the winter.

How to Use Moen’s Mouse Mix

So, I bought a package the next fall. Per the instructions, we filled snack-sized baggies with the mouse mix and then poked the baggies with a fork to release the scent. Then the baggies were tossed in every storage compartments in every drawer and cabinet, above and below the bed frames – anywhere and everywhere! We also sprinkled some of it outside of the camper.

And in the spring, we opened up the camper. What a dramatic moment that is every single year!

We were relieved to see ZERO droppings or damage! Not even a single bug!

And the aroma was strong – but fresh! We immediately opened all the windows and removed the bags. Within a few hours, the scent had dissipated.

Right now, we are gearing up for our Fall Break camping trip. I’m placing my annual order of Moen’s Mouse Mix so that we can be ready to winterize the RV when we return.

Mouse Mix is a humane alternative for how to get rid of mice by deterring them from even wanting to enter the RV!

And it can be used in any space you want to protect from mice and bugs, including garages, barns, boats, vehicles and homes.

For more ideas and great products for home and RV, visit!

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