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When you’re shopping for a travel trailer, one of the biggest deciding factors can sometimes depend on what is accessible within the rig while the slideout is in. It certainly was for us! We wanted to ensure we could utilize the refrigerator, bathroom, and some sleeping space so that we could stop for a few short hours to sleep during long travel days. We’ve heard this referred to as ‘turtling’, when you are not deploying any slideouts and just remaining tucked inside your little, cozy shell. We typically do open up the slideout while overnighting for short stops, but I know not everyone does.
So is the Imagine 2400BH turtling-friendly?? Our vote is yes, but here are all the details so that you can decide if it’s the right rig for you!
The Refrigerator
Most of the fridge is ACCESSIBLE! But the right bottom drawer, as shown in the second photo below, can only be opened halfway. The lower section of the fridge only has about a 3-inch clearance from the dinette with the slideout in, but we’ve been able to squeeze through or lean over the dinette, and it hasn’t been a problem. We just plan ahead and pack the fridge with what we’ll want to access on the top shelves!

The Bedroom
NOT ACCESSIBLE – Unless you can squeeze into a 4-inch gap. But even if you think you can, please don’t try. The counter-top extension also takes some of that space.

Sleep Space
Though you can’t access the bedrooom, the dinette bed and the bunks are fully accessible in the 2400BH if you’re stopping somewhere overnight to catch a few zzz’s but keeping the slideout in. Just don’t forget to relocate whatever you may want to have access to from the master bedroom prior to travel.
And, in case you’re wondering what the best Tetris combination is for the dinette bed, this is my suggestion! In this configuration, the cushions create a tight, perfect fit. This eliminates the issue with cushions falling off the edge or shifting underneath you overnight. The two center cushions here are the back cushions from the left and right sides. (I tossed the other cushion into the bedroom prior to leaving home.)

The Bathroom
Fully ACCESSIBLE! The door swings completely open with no obstruction with the slideout in.


Hope this helps someone out there who is considering purchasing the Imagine 2400BH! See more features of this model in my post here!
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Access has to be one of the most overlooked ( in my opinion) concerns of an RV. Always been a top priority for us.
Met a couple in New mexico with a stuck slide in a new TT, they could not access the interior for medicines, sleeping or food, manufacturer said only fix was in Kansas or Phoenix it was Day 2 of a ruined vacation.
Thank you for the info!
This is great! Thanks for sharing!
We’re in the process of deciding between slide-less (Transcend Xplor 247bh) and slide (Minnie 2301bhs… almost the same floor plan as the 2400).
We do a lot of rest area/parking lot stopping/camping, and being able to put the slide out to access the bedroom has been a concern. Since leaving that it’s easier than you thought to put the slide out during stops, do you still find you’re having to camp with it in from time to time?
In deciding, we talked with both Grand Design (about the 2400) and Winnebago, and apparently no manufacturers will tell you using the slide while retracted is ok because they don’t load test them that way.
Hi Jeff! We always slide it out now during travel stops and we haven’t had a situation ever arise where we couldn’t do so. Since the 2400 has a deep slideout at 38″, we do sometimes try to park along an edge so it doesn’t impede on an additional parking spot. Yes, we also learned since then about the suggestion not to use the slide while in (thanks to Finding Our Someday on YouTube!). While we haven’t had issues, we’ve definitely stopped using it retracted since then! Any ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
That’s for reminding me that I really need to update this post! 🙂
Best of luck with your shopping!! Those are two great models!!
Thanks! Sorry… one last question just popped into my head: I know owners manuals say to use stabilizer jacks when slides are deployed… I also know dealers run the slides in and out and have people parading through the slides all the time. Do you all lower your stabilizer jacks whenever you put your slide out?
Just the front stabilizer to take some weight and bounce off the vehicle and then the vehicle emergency break on.
That’s what we do for quick overnight trips when we’re only there for 6 or so hours to sleep, so there’s minimal movement in the rig and the slideout is extended but not really being utilized.
When we’re setting up and will have the slide out longer, we definitely have all the stabilizers down. And the X-Chocks for an extra bit of comfort! 😀
We turtle a lot with our hybrid. I can’t think of any occasion where one couldn’t open up the slide at least 12″ and this should be enough to get you in the bedroom and save the hassle of making up the dinette.
Hi, Raymond! Thanks for stopping by! We’ve found that it’s a lot more accepted to put out the slideout while doing quick stops than we thought when we first started traveling. I was so glad when we realized that. It definitely makes rest stops easier! 🙂
Thank you for sharing this information. It is really hard to find.
Hi, Ken – Thanks for stopping by! You are welcome! I hope it’s been helpful!